The day John Daniell turned 10, his mum told him she had been a spy.
Before long he had a new step-dad who was an active SIS agent, in the midst of the Cold War. Nearly 40 years later, John and his friend investigative journalist Guyon Espiner try to discover the truth behind a story John’s step-dad told him before he died; a story of a joint SIS-MI6 raid on the Czechoslovakian embassy in Wellington to steal codes.
Watch the trailer:

You can listen to the podcast here, or through your favourite podcast app, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or via RSS feed.
One Night in WadestownOn his 10th birthday, John Daniell’s mum tells him she used to work for the SIS. But that’s just the start of the secrets...
The Wilderness of MirrorsNew Zealand has Cold War spy stories we know about – and some we don’t. Even now, it’s hard to get people to talk. The big question is: who do you trust
A Full Court Press from the KGBIn the mid-1980’s, New Zealand’s anti-nuclear policy is attracting international attention. With the ANZUS alliance in crisis, the KGB see an opportunity.
The ClubThe Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance with roots that go all the way back to World War II. It’s a tight club – but just what does membership demand of us?
The RaidIn the last episode, we close in on the details around the joint MI6/SIS operation targeting the Czechoslovakian Embassy. Finally, someone who was on the raid breaks their silence. But there’s a twist...
Bonus: More Raids Confirmed
More raids. More embassies. More breaking of international law. Ongoing investigations have uncovered other break-ins by New Zealand's SIS.
New RevelationsGuyon and John break radio silence with new revelations about SIS operations, the reactions from Iran and India and news about surveillance of one of New Zealand's most renowned writers.

Kit Bennetts
Kit Bennetts was a former SIS officer and key player in the surveillance and arrest of Dr William Sutch in 1974. He was an anonymous witness - “Mr S” - at Sutch’s trial in 1975, but his real identity was unmasked by Brian Edwards on Radio Windy.
In 2006, Spy, his account of the Sutch case was published.
He left the SIS in the mid-1980s, and went on to work for another country’s intelligence agency and Queensland Police.
He is currently an academic at Southern Cross University in Australia.
M is John Daniell’s mum and a former SIS officer. She was the partner of Jim Stewart, an SIS officer. She left the Service in 1971.
Jim Stewart*
Jim Stewart was an SIS officer from the 1970s to the mid-1990s. He was previously a radio operator on merchant vessels and a TV repair man.
An electronics expert, he specialised in listening devices. He worked with the SIS operations team on the Sutch case, the Rainbow Warrior etc.
Stewart was part of the joint SIS-MI6 team on the Czech embassy raid. He was John Daniell’s step-father and M’s partner. He passed away in 2005.
A former head of the SIS operations team, he led the NZ end of the SIS-MI6 raid on the Czech embassy.
Gerald Hensley
Gerald Hensley was a former diplomat and head of the prime minister’s department under Sir Robert Muldoon and David Lange. He was the coordinator of domestic and external security from 1987 to 1989 and the secretary of defence from 1991 to 1999.
Oleg Gordievsky
Oleg Gordievsky was a KGB colonel turned double agent for MI6. He defected to Britain in 1985.
Gordievsky was credited with a key role in averting nuclear war in the Able Archer 83 exercise.
He came to New Zealand four times from 1986, where he briefed prime minister David Lange on Russian subversion and penetration of the Labour Party.
Dr William Sutch
Dr William Sutch was a New Zealand economist, intellectual and senior civil servant. He was identified in the Mitrokhin archive as having been recruited to the KGB in 1950.
He retired from his position as secretary of industries and commerce in 1965 but retained close ties to power.
He was arrested meeting KGB agent Dmitri Razgovorov in Wellington in 1974, tried under the Official Secrets Act and found not guilty in 1975. He passed away later that year.
Helen Clark
Helen Clark was the prime minister of New Zealand and the minister responsible for the SIS from 1999-2008. She was first elected as a Labour MP in 1981, and was considered to be on Labour’s left wing and a strong proponent of the nuclear free issue.
A Cabinet minister in the Lange government from 1987, she was also deputy prime minister from 1989-90 under Geoffrey Palmer and Mike Moore. She went on to head the United Nations Development Programme from 2009 to 2017.
Sir Geoffrey Palmer
Sir Geoffrey Palmer was the prime minister of New Zealand and minister for the SIS from 1989 to 1990 and the deputy prime minister, attorney general and justice minister from 1984-1989.
He is the author of Unbridled Power, a critique of New Zealand government and is currently a law professor at Victoria University of Wellington. He has been sitting as a member of the inquiry into Operation Burnham, looking at the conduct of the New Zealand Defence Force in Afghanistan.
David Lange
David Lange was New Zealand prime minister and minister for the SIS from 1984 to 1989. He signed off on the Czech Embassy and other raids according to his chief of staff Gerald Hensley. He passed away in 2005.
Rouben Azizian
Professor Rouben Azizian was the former Soviet and then (post-1991 dissolution of USSR) Russian diplomat, the deputy ambassador for USSR then Russia to New Zealand from 1991 to 1994.
He has worked as an academic in NZ and the US since 1994, specialising in international diplomacy and security.
He is currently professor and director of Massey University Centre for Defence and Security Studies.
Sir Bruce Ferguson
Sir Bruce Ferguson is a former RNZAF officer, chief of Defence Force (2001-2006) and head of Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) (2006-2011).
Richard Northey
Richard Northey is a former Labour MP (1984-1990 and 1993-1996), and former president of NZ Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and Citizens Association for Racial Equality (CARE).
He is a member and one-time chair of the justice select committee, which had an oversight role of the SIS.
Paul Buchanan
Paul Buchanan is a former US intelligence and defence policy analyst and academic. He specialises in matters of security and international politics and currently runs a New Zealand-based strategic assessment consultancy.
Rory Cormac
Rory Cormac is professor of international relations at the UK’s University of Nottingham. He specialises in covert action and national security and intelligence.
He is the author of Disrupt and Deny: Spies, Special Forces, and the Secret Pursuit of British Foreign Policy.
John Daniell
John Daniell is a freelance journalist, writer and podcast producer. He is the son of M and the step-son of Jim Stewart.
Guyon Espiner
Guyon Espiner is an investigative journalist at RNZ, who has more than 25 years’ experience across radio, TV and print. He is a former political editor of TVNZ and a former host of RNZ’s Morning Report. He presented and co-produced The 9th Floor, a podcast and video series of interviews with five former New Zealand prime ministers, which was released as a book in 2017.

The day John Daniell turned 10, his mum told him she had been a spy.
Before long he had a new step-dad who was an active SIS agent, in the midst of the Cold War. Nearly 40 years later, John and his friend investigative journalist Guyon Espiner try to discover the truth behind a story John’s step-dad told him before he died; a story of a joint SIS-MI6 raid on the Czechoslovakian embassy in Wellington to steal codes.
Watch the trailer:

You can listen to the podcast here, or through your favourite podcast app, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher or via RSS feed.
One Night in WadestownOn his 10th birthday, John Daniell’s mum tells him she used to work for the SIS. But that’s just the start of the secrets...
The Wilderness of MirrorsNew Zealand has Cold War spy stories we know about – and some we don’t. Even now, it’s hard to get people to talk. The big question is: who do you trust
A Full Court Press from the KGBIn the mid-1980’s, New Zealand’s anti-nuclear policy is attracting international attention. With the ANZUS alliance in crisis, the KGB see an opportunity.
The ClubThe Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance with roots that go all the way back to World War II. It’s a tight club – but just what does membership demand of us?
The RaidIn the last episode, we close in on the details around the joint MI6/SIS operation targeting the Czechoslovakian Embassy. Finally, someone who was on the raid breaks their silence. But there’s a twist...
Bonus: More Raids Confirmed
More raids. More embassies. More breaking of international law. Ongoing investigations have uncovered other break-ins by New Zealand's SIS.
New RevelationsGuyon and John break radio silence with new revelations about SIS operations, the reactions from Iran and India and news about surveillance of one of New Zealand's most renowned writers.

Kit Bennetts
Kit Bennetts was a former SIS officer and key player in the surveillance and arrest of Dr William Sutch in 1974. He was an anonymous witness - “Mr S” - at Sutch’s trial in 1975, but his real identity was unmasked by Brian Edwards on Radio Windy.
In 2006, Spy, his account of the Sutch case was published.
He left the SIS in the mid-1980s, and went on to work for another country’s intelligence agency and Queensland Police.
He is currently an academic at Southern Cross University in Australia.
M is John Daniell’s mum and a former SIS officer. She was the partner of Jim Stewart, an SIS officer. She left the Service in 1971.
Jim Stewart*
Jim Stewart was an SIS officer from the 1970s to the mid-1990s. He was previously a radio operator on merchant vessels and a TV repair man.
An electronics expert, he specialised in listening devices. He worked with the SIS operations team on the Sutch case, the Rainbow Warrior etc.
Stewart was part of the joint SIS-MI6 team on the Czech embassy raid. He was John Daniell’s step-father and M’s partner. He passed away in 2005.
A former head of the SIS operations team, he led the NZ end of the SIS-MI6 raid on the Czech embassy.
Gerald Hensley
Gerald Hensley was a former diplomat and head of the prime minister’s department under Sir Robert Muldoon and David Lange. He was the coordinator of domestic and external security from 1987 to 1989 and the secretary of defence from 1991 to 1999.
Oleg Gordievsky
Oleg Gordievsky was a KGB colonel turned double agent for MI6. He defected to Britain in 1985.
Gordievsky was credited with a key role in averting nuclear war in the Able Archer 83 exercise.
He came to New Zealand four times from 1986, where he briefed prime minister David Lange on Russian subversion and penetration of the Labour Party.
Dr William Sutch
Dr William Sutch was a New Zealand economist, intellectual and senior civil servant. He was identified in the Mitrokhin archive as having been recruited to the KGB in 1950.
He retired from his position as secretary of industries and commerce in 1965 but retained close ties to power.
He was arrested meeting KGB agent Dmitri Razgovorov in Wellington in 1974, tried under the Official Secrets Act and found not guilty in 1975. He passed away later that year.
Helen Clark
Helen Clark was the prime minister of New Zealand and the minister responsible for the SIS from 1999-2008. She was first elected as a Labour MP in 1981, and was considered to be on Labour’s left wing and a strong proponent of the nuclear free issue.
A Cabinet minister in the Lange government from 1987, she was also deputy prime minister from 1989-90 under Geoffrey Palmer and Mike Moore. She went on to head the United Nations Development Programme from 2009 to 2017.
Sir Geoffrey Palmer
Sir Geoffrey Palmer was the prime minister of New Zealand and minister for the SIS from 1989 to 1990 and the deputy prime minister, attorney general and justice minister from 1984-1989.
He is the author of Unbridled Power, a critique of New Zealand government and is currently a law professor at Victoria University of Wellington. He has been sitting as a member of the inquiry into Operation Burnham, looking at the conduct of the New Zealand Defence Force in Afghanistan.
David Lange
David Lange was New Zealand prime minister and minister for the SIS from 1984 to 1989. He signed off on the Czech Embassy and other raids according to his chief of staff Gerald Hensley. He passed away in 2005.
Rouben Azizian
Professor Rouben Azizian was the former Soviet and then (post-1991 dissolution of USSR) Russian diplomat, the deputy ambassador for USSR then Russia to New Zealand from 1991 to 1994.
He has worked as an academic in NZ and the US since 1994, specialising in international diplomacy and security.
He is currently professor and director of Massey University Centre for Defence and Security Studies.
Sir Bruce Ferguson
Sir Bruce Ferguson is a former RNZAF officer, chief of Defence Force (2001-2006) and head of Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) (2006-2011).
Richard Northey
Richard Northey is a former Labour MP (1984-1990 and 1993-1996), and former president of NZ Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and Citizens Association for Racial Equality (CARE).
He is a member and one-time chair of the justice select committee, which had an oversight role of the SIS.
Paul Buchanan
Paul Buchanan is a former US intelligence and defence policy analyst and academic. He specialises in matters of security and international politics and currently runs a New Zealand-based strategic assessment consultancy.
Rory Cormac
Rory Cormac is professor of international relations at the UK’s University of Nottingham. He specialises in covert action and national security and intelligence.
He is the author of Disrupt and Deny: Spies, Special Forces, and the Secret Pursuit of British Foreign Policy.
John Daniell
John Daniell is a freelance journalist, writer and podcast producer. He is the son of M and the step-son of Jim Stewart.
Guyon Espiner
Guyon Espiner is an investigative journalist at RNZ, who has more than 25 years’ experience across radio, TV and print. He is a former political editor of TVNZ and a former host of RNZ’s Morning Report. He presented and co-produced The 9th Floor, a podcast and video series of interviews with five former New Zealand prime ministers, which was released as a book in 2017.

Spy secret revealed: SIS and MI6 raided Czech embassy in Wellington
The security intelligence agencies broke into the Czechoslovakian Embassy in Wellington during the Cold War to steal secret codes. Click here to read.
Geoffrey Palmer reveals KGB tried to infiltrate Labour Party
The KGB tried to penetrate government systems and infiltrate the ruling Labour Party during the Cold War, former prime minister Sir Geoffrey Palmer has revealed. Click here to read.
SIS spied on Labour MP Richard Northey
A senior Labour politician was spied on by the SIS while an MP in the 1980s and 1990s - even though for part of that time he had an oversight role of the intelligence agency as chair of the justice select committee. Click here to read.
NZ's independence from Five Eyes has slipped - Helen Clark
New Zealand has lost some of its independence within the Five Eyes intelligence alliance and been "drawn in a lot closer" to the US-led spy network, former prime minister Helen Clark says. Click here to read.
John Daniell on growing up around spies
John Daniell writes about growing up among spies and why he decided now was the time to get to the bottom of an SIS secret and make the findings public in new podcast The Service. Click here to read.
NZ broke into embassies for CIA and MI6
The SIS broke into the Indian High Commission for MI6 and the Iranian Embassy for the CIA in the late 1980s and early 1990s to photograph code books, plant bugs and steal communications. Click here to read.
Iran threatens legal action against New Zealand government if SIS raid is'proven'
Iran is threatening legal action against New Zealand after learning the Security Intelligence Service, in a joint operation with the CIA, broke into its Wellington embassy to plant bugs in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Click here to read.
The poets, the spies, the vodka and the magpies
The SIS spied on literary great Denis Glover, newly released files show. Guyon Espiner digs around in New Zealand's 'Cultural Cold War'. Click here to read.
Andrew Little refuses to deny signing off on embassy break-ins
The SIS minister won't say if he has been asked to sign off on warrants allowing the SIS to break in to foreign embassies in New Zealand. Click here to read.
Why we are revealing SIS secrets
The Service's executive producers, Veronica Schmidt and Tim Watkin, explain why they decided classified information should be divulged. Click here to read.
What was the Cold War?
Naomi Arnold details the decades of tension between capitalist western democracies and communist countries. Click to read.
What was the ‘Sutch Affair’?
As The Service reveals SIS secrets from the Cold War, Naomi Arnold delves into New Zealand’s most famous spy scandal - the arrest and trial of Bill Sutch. Click to read.

Spy secret revealed: SIS and MI6 raided Czech embassy in Wellington
The security intelligence agencies broke into the Czechoslovakian Embassy in Wellington during the Cold War to steal secret codes. Click to read.
Geoffrey Palmer reveals KGB tried to infiltrate Labour Party
The KGB tried to penetrate government systems and infiltrate the ruling Labour Party during the Cold War, former prime minister Sir Geoffrey Palmer has revealed. Click to read.
SIS spied on Labour MP Richard Northey
A senior Labour politician was spied on by the SIS while an MP in the 1980s and 1990s - even though for part of that time he had an oversight role of the intelligence agency as chair of the justice select committee. Click to read.
NZ's independence from Five Eyes has slipped
New Zealand has lost some of its independence within the Five Eyes intelligence alliance and been "drawn in a lot closer" to the US-led spy network, former prime minister Helen Clark says. Click to read.
John Daniell on growing up around spies
John Daniell writes about growing up among spies and why he decided now was the time to get to the bottom of an SIS secret and make the findings public in new podcast The Service. Click to read.
Andrew Little won't deny signing off on embassy break-ins
The SIS minister won't say if he has been asked to sign off on warrants allowing the SIS to break in to foreign embassies in New Zealand. Click to read.
NZ broke into embassies for CIA and MI6
The SIS broke into the Indian High Commission for MI6 and the Iranian Embassy for the CIA in the late 1980s and early 1990s to photograph code books, plant bugs and steal communications. Click to read.
Iran threatens legal action against New Zealand goverment if SIS raid is 'proven
Iran is threatening legal action against New Zealand after learning the Security Intelligence Service, in a joint operation with the CIA, broke into its Wellington embassy to plant bugs in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Click to read.
The poets, the spies, the vodka and the magpies
The SIS spied on literary great Denis Glover, newly released files show. Guyon Espiner digs around in New Zealand's 'Cultural Cold War'. Click to read.
Why we are revealing SIS secrets
The Service's executive producers, Veronica Schmidt and Tim Watkin, explain why they decided classified information should be divulged. Click to read.
What was the Cold War?
Naomi Arnold details the decades of tension between capitalist western democracies and communist countries. Click to read.
What was the ‘Sutch Affair’?
As The Service reveals SIS secrets from the Cold War, Naomi Arnold delves into New Zealand’s most famous spy scandal - the arrest and trial of Bill Sutch. Click to read.
* Pseudonyms
Presented and produced by
John Daniell and Guyon Espiner
William Ray
Executive producers
Tim Watkin and Veronica Schmidt
Additional reporting from the Czech Republic
Robert Brestan
Sound engineers
Adrian Hollay and Rangi Powick
Original music
Anthonie Tonnon
Logo design
Oliver Wall
Shorthand layout
Luke McPake
Brandon Mikel, Jim Rush
Claire Eastham-Farrelly
Claire Eastham-Farrelly, Ana Tovey, Rebekah Parsons-King, National Library, AFP, Alexander Turnbull Library, Andrew Burns, Massey University, Southern Cross University, Merv Griffiths/Evening Post, Ross Giblin/Dominion Post and the Evening Post.
Thank you to Nga Taonga Sound and Vision for providing archival audio
Made with the support of New Zealand On Air